She Believed She Could Podcast | EPISODE 29
By Allison Krieger Walsh In this episode, Allison and Leila talk about the importance of mentorship, challenging ourselves to pave the way for others to be successful, and navigating challenging situations. Memorable moments below: 5:17: I believe in diversity of thought and the critical need for inclusive leadership. I want to see more women in positions to make decisions, controlling resources, shaping policies, and perspectives and Lift, and Be Uplifted follows the idea that a gender-balanced world and workplace benefits everyone. 14:54: I'm not sure we really understand the true meaning of authenticity and what it means to be authentic. It's no matter how uncomfortable it is or how much self-doubt you hold onto you, how you show up fully as the real, you, all of you, no matter what others may say or think about you, that is authenticity. |
Spread Your Sunshine Podcast & Social Media Show | EPISODE 7
By Melanie Griffin Experiencing ethnic/cyber-bullying in high school as a result of being Iranian helped prepare this Miss Florida 2018 Top 5 Finalist for thriving in a male-dominated environment at Amazon as a Manager in Operations, coaching a team of more than 100 associates. Succeeding has required mentorship, an authentic leadership style, and an alternative definition of "failure." Listen to Episode 7 to learn how Leila is shifting executive culture and changing cultural habits. |
Dream Job with Danielle Cobo | EPISODE 42
By Danielle Cobo Leila Sabet is breaking barriers and making a difference in professional careers by putting visibility on what is possible for young women in traditionally male-lead spaces. Leila is a Senior Program Manager in Operations and Logistics for Amazon, who is advancing in management, and holding the door open for young women coming after her. Leila’s experiences working as a young woman in a male dominated industry is what inspired her to form her Initiative, Lift & Be Uplifted, to provide young women the skills of self-promotion and self-advocacy. To address the confidence gap, and why women often struggle with visibility, she highlights research based strategies addressing workplace biases to supercharge leadership potential, and ultimately, increase women’s influence in the professional world. |
The Choose Kindness Podcast | EPISODE 11
By Kayley Klatt In Episode 11 of The Choose Kindness Podcast, Leila discusses the importance of embracing what makes you unique and different, and how an interview judge taught her the biggest lesson about authenticity by asking, “Do you think this organization is ready for a middle eastern Miss Florida?” At the time she felt judged, thinking his question was to point out how wrong she was for the job because her ethnic background would be too controversial. Now, years later, she can see that she was the one who missed the opportunity to OWN her belief in her value, and what she could bring to the role. Now, she looks back and recognizes that judge asked her a question that he knew she hadn’t answered herself, she hadn’t done the work inside to show up authentically, and share a story that would allow her to form deeper connections with those she would meet through-out her year. She now knows that he was doing her a big favor by not giving her something she wasn’t ready to handle. Timing is everything! |